full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery

only taking out for prescribed exercises (e.g. I had an arthogram-MRI which showed a 4 mm near full thickness u-shaped tear involving the supraspinatus tendon anteriorly near but not actually at the numeral attachment. An important thing to consider (as you have correctly mentioned) is that a reverse shoulder replacement is probably unlikely to restore normal shoulder function and resolve the pain if substantial soft tissue problems are still present in the tendons around the shoulder. To recap I have had debridement and subacromial decompression, am 34 years old and now have arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis and impingement. Sorry for the delay, I have been away. For all you that are going to have this surgery be prepared for the long haul you will feel the feelings of uselessness, frustration, anger, and people looking at you like your full of it hang in there! Thanks for stopping by and sharing. It is also worth knowing there are just some jobs that seem to take a heavy toll on shoulders / supraspinatus tendons (unfortunately I think painter / sheet rock installer / any occupation where you need to hold things up above shoulder or head height are right at the top of that list). When a rotator cuff is torn, the tendon part of the muscle tears away from the bone of the upper arm. It was then I found out how messed up my shoulder actually is 1. Full thickness tears of the rotator cuff are described as small, medium, large or massive (Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10). Good luck! The blue arrows represent a full-thickness tear in the supraspinatus tendon, which is the most common site for rotator cuff tears. I say promising because work in basic science and animal studies have demonstrated some quite promising findings. Severe pain after. dr mike,a i got an mri shoulder pain, the surgen said it was adhesive capsulitis and with about 6 weeks of pt it would be fine, but the mri report also said there was a tear, the doctor said the report was wrong, needless to say i got a second opinion, the next doctor ordered a new mri and he suggest surgery , i am at a loss, should i get a 3rd opinion just to be sure? Went to an orthopedic surgeon who said I had frozen shoulder and injected the capsule with cortisone and told me to return in 3 months. The Physician is online now Related Medical Questions Of the 49 rim-rent tears, 24 (49.0%) involved the anterior-most fibers of the supraspinatus tendon, one of which extended to involve the infraspinatus tendon. Quick story on me: I'm 41, male, 5'11", 205. However, in some cases, the better option may be to consider surgery sooner rather than later (e.g. This sounds like quite a pain (literally). Recovery after surgical supraspinatus tendon repairs will often require the arm to be in a sling for approximately 6 weeks or so, then another ~6-8 weeks gradually starting to building up strength again. I am sorry I can't provide you specific advice over the internet. Went down a water slide on a mat head first arms supporting my body. If you have any uncertainty around the need for your sling use, please call your surgeon's office today. I can't comment on the nature of care you have received, but I can say that you are not alone in this type of experience! The MRI report says: 1. very large, nearly complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon from the tendon insertion with 1cm retraction of tendon fibers. The difficulty with overhead racket sports (like badminton, squash or tennis) is that high level functioning of the rotator cuff muscles are required to stabilise the shoulder joint in what is naturally unstable positions (overhead, and with high speed movement). I worked closely with a physiotherapist for a good four months and pain got worse. However, some people will never experience the same level of recovery without the surgery. As defense lawyers are quick to point out, rotator cuff tendons, just like lots of our other joints and tendons, tend to degenerate as we age. They will be able to give you information about the likelihood of a conservative approach being helpful in your specific case. If you get a chance drop by again and let us know how you went. It's a supraspinatus tendon tear with 50% thickness and no labral tear. I sleep fine as it does not hurt to lay on my back. It has been helpful. If I need surgery,what is the recovry time.. It is located in the top portion of the back of the shoulder blade (the superior posterior portion above the spine of the scapula) known as the supraspinatus fossa. It is best to stick within the range of movement indicated on the video rather than try to rotate your arm too far out to the side and potentially aggravate already inflamed rotator cuff tendons. A couple of final remarks that may unfortunately muddy the waters for you: Adhesive capsulitis generally resolves without the need for surgery, and aggressive physical therapy may actually worsen the symptoms in some cases. If a condition stays the same or become worse, then its usually a good idea to get it checked out again, or even a second opinion if you are not happy. A rotator cuff tear (RCT) is a common disorder associated with pain and dysfunction in the shoulder, the prevalence of which increases with age [].Full-thickness RCTs are present in approximately 25 % of individuals in their 60 s and 50 % of individuals in their 80 s; however, the reported incidence is lower for patients < 55 years of age (4-8 %) [1, 2]. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that come together as tendons to form a "cuff," or cover, over the head of the humerus (upper arm bone). AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. 3. It is also worth mentioning that when surgeons send patients for PT and don't hear from them for a while, they may well have just assumed everything went well and there is no more problem (or they have so many patients that they haven't given it much thought). sir i am a shuttle badminton player.. i got injury on my shoulder .. doc told to tke MRI scan.. after taking MRI scan these are the final impressions.. 1.partial tear in the supraspinatus tendon at the level of insertion in the greater tubersity for a length of about 15mm with intact insertion, 2 partial tear in the anterior superior labrum. You mentioned rotator cuff and tendonosis like they were different things. You have asked for information about potential options. From my experience, orthopedic surgeons are not usually eager to perform surgery for something like this unless they think there is a good chance of a favorable outcome. I received today my results of a CT Scan from my right shoulder, which I had an accident like 5 months ago. A full-thickness rotator cuff tear is characterized by a focal transmural tendon discontinuity, . It sounds like you have several concerning symptoms there. If the ball is popping out of the joint (dislocating), then that is a major concern (but this usually doesn't occur without trauma)! The major tear causes separation of muscle or tendon into two torn segment of muscles or tendons. I had subacromial decompression February 2010 a year after a motor vehicle injury (I am currently a 34 year old female). Some minor tears may be treated without surgery. With a focus on the surgical treatment of reparable full-thickness rotator cuff tears, this article aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge on the treatment of rotator cuff disorders and to highlight which new aspects are relevant. and still end up with an unexpected problem. It is also worth noting that sometimes you can do everything right (good surgery, follow instructions etc.) I am sorry I am unable to provide any specific advice over the internet without conducting a physical examination etc. They do have potential to improve the biomechanics of the shoulder joint during arm movement which may help mitigate the cause of the tear (like shoulder impingement). If they suggest surgery, ask them about what you can expect after surgery and the likely recovery time (including how long it is likely to be before you can use your arm for normal occupational or day to day activities). This exercise can be good for pain relief, and may also help increase the range of motion in the shoulder joint. On the other hand, there is nothing speedy about recovery after surgery but at least there usually is recovery (albeit slow). Not too sure if this article is still active but I'll ask anyways. Especially since my injury has gotten worse instead of better. A full-thickness tear will decrease the capacity of a muscle to do work. Hey DrMikeM doin some research and came across your sight and thought I'd add my two cents. I don't think there is a clear answer to this one. X-rays are often not very useful in diagnosing shoulder injuries. I am aware than many clinicians who administer prolotherapy advocate for its benefits though. The acromion joins with the collar bone and attaches to the upper arm (humerus also not shown in this image). Infraspinatus tendon is somewhat hetrogeneous in its deep attachment with what appears to be intra-substance tears down to enthesopathic change at footprint. I am really concerned about success rates for revision surgery. A rotator cuff tear can result from an injury such as a fall or heavy lifting, or from normal wear-and-tear and repetitive activities over many years. I agree that shoulder pain for years, that has not resolved is definitely a good indicator that seeing a doctor is a good idea! I tried to figure out what the onset was, but could never figure it out, it just seemed completely random. Good luck! This is partly because rehabilitation following surgery will depend on the surgical technique used. INTRODUCTION. There is fluid distending the long head of the biceps tendon sheath, representing tenosynovitis. If muscles of the rotator cuff are not providing adequate stability throughout the shoulder's range of motion, this can contribute to shoulder impingement and a break down of the supraspinatus tendon. About OrthoInfoEditorial Board Our ContributorsOur Subspecialty Partners Contact Us, Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions Linking Policy AAOS Newsroom Find an FAAOS Surgeon. Must also have to bring the arm back with my other arm if I am lying and have the arm overheadwhich now longer will lie flat on the floor if it is overhead.It has been recommende to do ART then PRP and possibly prolotherapy. Symptomatic full thickness rotator cuff tears can be managed surgically. indications. It may be present with overhead activities such as lifting or reaching (e.g., serving in tennis, painting a ceiling). They will be able to tell you the likelihood of a supraspinatus tear and adhesive capsulitis (or any other pathology), as well as the recommended course of action for your particular circumstance. When a radiologist looks at an MRI scan, he or she must make a judgment about the type of the rotator cuff changes. Don't be afraid to have an open discussion with your GP about whether or not a referral to a surgeon is the right way to go (or not) for your specific circumstance. Then follow up by asking him about any risks associated with the surgery in your particular case (your surgeon should know your particular circumstances in detail and be able to provide you with specific advice about options available to you). There also is mild tendinosis of the infraspinatus at the footprint. I was referred to a surgeon who stated that they could not repair the rotator cuff due to the size of the tear from a surgical standpoint. Original injury was 4 years ago in a MVA and I've been experiencing pain when sleeping on injured side, intermittent loss of sensation for the entire arm resulting in dropping things, loss of muscular endurance and increased pain for repetitive activities ranging from ribcage level and upward, loss of muscular strength and increased pain for lifting objects at the present moment equivalent in weight to a litre of milk or heavier, and an overall sense of lack of spacial awareness for the injured arm as if my arm is not "connected" to my body. Background: Good functional results have been reported for arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears, but the rate of tendon-to-bone healing is still unknown. The glenoid labrum and bicipital tendon appear unremarkable in position and morphology. I am 55 and active, so I don't want to hurt my "golden" years, so I am not sure what to think. Impression: moderate supraspinatus tendinosis with a small full thickness footplate tear. The researchers used a custom-built shoulder testing system to measure the effects of varying loads placed on the muscles of the rotator cuff and parascapular muscles. And overall her last resort for surgical intervention is a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. A full thickness tear is not usually a complete rupture. I am sorry I can't give you specific advice but here is some general information that may be useful to you. The individual shape of the bone structures (particularly the acromion) and soft tissues around the tendon will contribute to whether the tendon is able to move freely or become impinged between structures with arm elevation. The supraspinatus tendon is the one most likely to become torn. but can get back fairly good motion about the shoulder . It must have been quite a knock, there is some quite serious damage there. Your shoulder specialist will be able to provide you with specific advice regarding your chance of recovery without surgery, as well as what to expect if you do decide to go down the surgery path. In your opinion, do I have any other option other than surgery? Unfortunately, I suspect that a whole bunch of people will read your account and hear bits and pieces that remind them of their own circumstance. If you have injured your shoulder or have chronic shoulder and arm pain, it is best to see an orthopaedic surgeon. Keep in touch to let us know how you go. Good luck with it either way. coracoacromial ligament. I did this as instructed, but, to little improvement. The supraspinatus is one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff group of muscles. Knee Surgery . Do not complete these exercises if they cause an increase in pain; instead, seek specific advice from an appropriately qualified professional such as a physical therapist or physician. Anyways, my appointment for surgery on my right shoulder is in 2 weeks.. Arthroscopic.. it use to ache and ache at night but recently its not so bad. feeling pain in hand,,,. On the other hand, you will also need to ask about the likelihood of decent recovery without surgery. The anterior band of the supraspinatus (most common tear location) is an agonist to external rotation. @Reallmadhatter: Good question. What I really want right now is to regain enough to get through normal everyday activities and not feel limited trying to lift an object and also not drop things so frequently. ; 2. Rehabilitation plays a critical role in both the nonsurgical and surgical treatment of a rotator cuff tear. 50% of symptomatic full-thickness tears progress at 2 years and bigger tears progress faster. First thing to say is that when the best way forward seems uncertain to someone, seeking a second opinion is usually not a bad idea. My best wishes go to all of them. Thanks again Dr. Pain continued and got worse. He prescribed Vicodin and arthrotec for painbut I would like to get pregnant within a year but would like to be fixed first for obvious reasons. Rotator cuff exercises will usually be important for anyone looking to return to a racket sport following a supraspinatus tendon tear or shoulder labrum tear (or even someone looking to prevent those injuries). Should you tell him what the other surgeons name is and what they advised. Additionally, surgery may be recommended for complete tears that are acute and due to a trauma. Rotator cuff tears can also be described as being partial, or full thickness. RESULTS: Arthroscopy revealed 21 full-thickness tears, five bursal surface partial-thickness tears, 10 articular surface partial-thickness tears, and 14 patients without tear of the supraspinatus tendon. I was an elite athlete most of my life and have accepted that I will no longer be able to return to my sport 100%. I started adding exercise back in to my life a couple of months ago and what had been intermittent pain has once again become fairly continual. This has caused thickening and abnormal signal in the supraspinatus tendon consistent with tendinopathy and/or a partial tear. The pain is manageable if you stay on top of it with pain medication. Surgical repair can often be . Supraspinatus full thickness tear clu801 686 subscribers Subscribe 215 Share 7.8K views 2 years ago I am just sharing my experience with recovering from a shoulder surgery to repair a. Three techniques are used for rotator cuff repair: Traditional open repair Mini-open repair Arthroscopic repair Your orthopaedic surgeon can recommend which technique is best for you. Always been natural. The rotator cuff exercises should not cause pain while the exercise is being performed. If, however, you are active or use your arm for overhead work or sports, surgery is most often recommended because many tears will not heal without surgery. It is also worth mentioning that not all PTs are created equal. Most people with ongoing pain will usually try the conservative interventions before considering surgery. Patients ranged in age from twenty-nine to seventy-nine years. One of the most painful experiences ever. My arm was nearly frozen for a period of about 10 minutes, but I slowly started regaining some ROM. Couldn't even lay down. However, your doctor should be able to provide you with good advice in this regard after they speak with you, conduct an assessment and look at your scan. Do I will need surgery? Some quite compelling research has indicated that a substantial proportion of people (particularly young people) who receive this kind of treatment will go on to have further shoulder problems (sometimes instability in the shoulder joint or pain and discomfort from damaged structures). A supraspinatus tear is a tear or rupture of the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle, which is located at the back of the shoulder. Supraspinatus is the most commonly injured rotator cuff tendon. The acromion connects with the collar bone (clavicle) very close to the ball and socket (glenohumeral) joint of the shoulder. Good luck! I have always found the anatomy of the shoulder to be very interesting. Tendonosis literally means chronic pathology without inflammation (i.e. Either way, I wish you all the best with it (and a safe deployment and return). When he says your tendon is failing, I think what he is trying to convey is that once some strands of a rope start to break, then there is more load on the remaining strands which may cause more strands to break (and then more load on remaining individual strands, more strands tear and so on). Any advice would be appreciated thanks. In these cases often a multidisciplinary treatment team skilled in treating whiplash can be very useful (this may include health professionals like physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists and doctors). Very much appreciated. Sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet, but it sounds like your shoulder specialist will be able to give you good personalized advice on Tues. Dr Mike, Please help me understand what options I might have or questions to ask the surgeon about my full Reallmadhatter Mar 14, 2013 @ 3:44 pm. Not all the time, but it was intermittent. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. I have a referral to a specialist and hopefully I will have some answers soon. is PT a good options. Good luck! When we finally returned home from sea a few weeks later, my shoulder had become so painful and stiff, It was nearly impossible to do just about anything. tendon transfer. I had surgery in Mar 2012 for decompression,near full thickness bursa tear and a near full thickness supraspinatus tear with degeneration and general multi-directional laxity of the shoulder capsule.I know the work I have preformed and physical activities over the past 20yrs haven't helped but it was an acute injury that ended it.Since surgery I have been to a physiotherapist but after a few sessions I was experiencing a spot of pain (hot spot) which the physio dismissed as surgery related pain.To make a long story short, gym didn't go well to which I was told by my physio that I was overdoing it (I followed the program to the letter) anyway a second opinion found I have got a high grade partial tear and possible partial full thickness tear and bursa thickening and bunching on adduction. People tend to expect recovery after surgery will take a few weeks. Also an ex ray of my shoulder "Demonstrate my humeral head close to abutting my acromion. Good luck! I also have an intermediate grade partial thickness tear of superior tendon bundle of Subscapularis without retraction or muscular atrophy. I had rotator cuff surgery in May for a Small(2mm) tear In the supraspinatus tendon. However, it sounds as though you must be under the care of a medical team in order to have received MRI results, which is a good thing. The presence of greater tuberosity cortical irregularity and joint fluid was most important in the diagnosis of full-thickness supraspinatus . The words 'very large, nearly complete with 1cm retraction of tendon fibres' are a bit concerning. If you get a chance, drop by and let us know how you go with your recovery! Shoulder muscles are very good for stabilizing the ball and socket joint and making large movements (to help lift things, throw objects etc. This article describes general phases of rehabilitation following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Large. thank you for your considiration and helle from Turkey:-). While it is true that rotator cuff tears are more common among middle aged and older people, they can indeed occur among younger people too; particularly when they are performing heavy work or have some kind of trauma event (contact sport, car accident, gym accident etc.). A full-thickness tear, which usually means the tendon is torn from its insertion on the humerus (the most common injury), is repaired directly to bone. Information on this topic is also available as an OrthoInfo Basics PDF Handout. I'm only 38 and am not willing to give up everything I love doing and from what I read there are many more options available. Your doctor may also advise a trial of physical therapy to see if that can bring relief to his symptoms. Good luck with it. I see this is true of SSGtomn who has left a comment already. At 55 years of age you still have a lot of living still to do, so don't be afraid to talk openly with your doctor about the success rates for all of the options available to you, and the likely recovery times involved. Also if I don eventually need surgery will it hurt to wait until I absolutely need it. You may find it interesting to note that a prior subacriomial decompression is not necessarily an indication that future surgery to address other injuries or further biomechanical problems will not be successful. From the information you have provided it is difficult to say whether surgery will be needed. It will be your Godsend. However, host cases are the result of the tendon wearing down over time, which is known as a degenerative tear. The medical staff there did an x-ray, which did not turn anything up, and once again, were not overly concerned with my condition, but just instructed me to continue to ice pack my shoulder and take some pain medication. No, it may not be too late to get relief. The supraspinatus is the tendon that tends to suffer from partial tears most commonly. I get asked about this a lot, perhaps I should write a page on rehabilitation following surgical repair of supraspinatus tendon tears! For many years shoulder dislocations were commonly managed by making sure the ball was back in the socket, giving a bit of ice, perhaps some anti-inflammatory medications and putting the arm in an internal rotation sling (a sling that holds the arm near the body with the elbow bent at about 90 degrees). You may still be able to return to most or all of the things you enjoy it just may not be in the next 6 to 9 months though. I am 55 yrs. Having the surgery sooner rather than later may help you to recover as much as possible by the time you fall pregnant. working a full time job nd being a mother of three I could never fit it in my schedule but was also told by a family member that PT would not help. Arthroscopy 1993;9(2): 195-200. Having pain and sub-optimal shoulder functioning while you are nursing would not be ideal. Good luck! @anonymous: Hi Mike, Good luck with your appointment next week, hopefully you will be able to find some relief one way or another after you consult your surgeon. Retraction of the supraspinatus tendon medial to the glenoid. Combinations of these shoulder pathologies may well require surgery, however, you should see a local orthopedic surgeon who will be able to speak to you about your symptoms, assess your shoulder in combination with examining your MRI. When Is Surgery Necessary . I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet about the best option for your situation. Conclusion: Nonoperative treatment is an effective and lasting option for many patients with a chronic, full-thickness rotator cuff tear. The first relates to the potential risk of a poorer outcome due to the delay; this may occur due to further damage being caused in structures that are difficult or impossible to repair etc. Twenty-one of the 70 partial-thickness tears were not rim-rent tears: there were nine (12.9%) tears in the critical zone, 10 (14.3%) interstitial tears, and two (2.9%) bursal-sided tears. Dr Mike, Please help me understand what options I might have in my case of job relater incident. Poorly defined large full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon measuring at least 2 cm in anteroposterior dimension. As mentioned in the video, the aim of these resistance band exercises is not to increase your range of movement but to instead strengthen the rotator cuff muscles which will help protect the soft tissue structures around the shoulder in the long term. perhaps if delay is likely to lead to a complete rupture that could be prevented with early surgery). MRI). 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