leaked pfizer side effects

Editors Note: Pfizer and its cohorts have already launched a smear campaign against Biber, with some fact-checkers claiming that the contracts are fake, there has been no evidence to prove this claim. Pfizer continues to sign lucrative secret vaccine deals across the globe. The Pfizer document was publicly released on 17 November 2021, but it took antivaxxers more than 3 months to discover the list of 1,291 adverse events of special interest (AESI). Many people have reported side effects, such as headache, fatigue, and soreness at the injection site, that are generally mild to moderate and go away within a few days. Now, the vaccine development has been heavily subsidized already. This suggests that there is widespread corruption in the medical community, government agencies, among public health officials, the mainstream media, and social media companies worldwide: they will not acknowledge any event that goes against the mainstream narrative. Ivermectin, for instance, is not only safe, inexpensive and widely available but has been found to reduce COVID-19 mortality by 81%. Wist u dat schadelijke nanodeeltjes ook worden gevonden in babyvoeding? The English translation shows the research team warned MOH officials they should think carefully about how to present the researchers findings to the public because they posed a potential legal risk, as the findings contradicted MOHs claims that serious side effects are rare and short-term. However, the AESI list was not a list of vaccine side effects. This article, En u dacht dat het einde van deze pandemie misschien in zicht was? So we need to think about how to write it and present it in the correct way, so they wont come afterwards with lawsuits: Wait a second, you said it would go away and its OK to get vaccinated, now look what happened to me., In a leaked video, a research team commissioned by the Israeli MoH warns: "Well have to think medical-legal how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits. Apparently, this includes in the case of receiving damaged goods. Veel tijd wordt besteed aan het leugenachtig overhalen van mensen, om, Een planningsoefening op hoog niveau stelde drie scenarios voor een tekort aan brandstof voor, onder een topgeheim en extreem noodplan van de regering. Pfizer has the sole discretion to decide on necessary adjustments to the number of Contracted Doses and Delivery Schedule due to the Purchaser based on principles to be determined by Pfizer Purchaser shall be deemed to agree to any revision. Truth is a powerful instrument., ISBN:978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022,PDF Ebook, Pages: 164, 15 Chapters, Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store, You may also purchase directly atDonorBox Worldwide Corona Crisis Campaign Page! Doses are sold at different prices depending on the country. Evidence-Based Truth About The COVID Scamdemic. In David Goldbergs final video before his death in 2019, he revealed, Staan mannen en vrouwen op het punt om supermensen te worden? What were all those regulators relying on? Although Israel began its COVID-19 vaccination campaign in 2020, it did not have an adverse effect reporting system until the end of 2021. These side effects included noat-fatal conditions such as eccema, blisters, asthma. $349 - $449 - $649 - $949 + S&H Follow us on InstagramandTwitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. So if Israel did not in fact have a functioning adverse event monitoring system in place and its data was a fiction, and even when it did launch a proper monitoring system a year too late, with analysis of the systems findings, completely ignored and withheld what was the FDA really relying on? This crucial study was based on a new adverse event reporting system the MOH launched in December 2021 12 months AFTER rolling out the vaccines to the public,as the system implemented in December 2020, as they now officially admit, was dysfunctional and did not allow an analysis of the data. Eindtijdnieuws.com 29 november 2022 De Illuminati: Hoe de, Een overzicht van enkele basistypes van programmering. Suramine is het tegengif voor de biologische wapens en overdracht. Some 55 cases occurred among men. While COVID-19 vaccines are free to receive in the U.S., theyre being paid for by taxpayer dollars at a rate of $19.50 per dose Albania, the leaked contract revealed, paid $12 per dose. EIN #26-0388604, 2016 - 2023 Children's Health Defense All Rights Reserved. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited. The research team explained during the meeting that their study one important limitation theyonly got cooperation from one small HMO to share the data it received from the new reporting system. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa. Due to limited time and resources, they decided to first analyze only the 5 most common side effects they identified: 1. neurological injuries; 2. general side effects; 3. menstrual irregularities; 4. musculoskeletal system disorders; and 5. digestive It also lists covid-19 associated pneumonia as a side effect. Finally, when it reported on the menstrual adverse events, it compared them to the number of vaccines given to both women and men. It was a list of adverse events that must be reported for further investigation. Fact #8 : Pfizer Documents Did Not Reveal Thousands Of Side Effects. The only HMO that did fully cooperate (Meuhedet) is very small, representing only about 15% of the Israeli population, with a heavy religious population, who has lower vaccination rates than the general population, and seldom use smartphones, so most of them were not even able to receive the text message. Why? The researchers stressed they still have a lot of work, since they only analyzed the 5 top common side effects, but there were 17 others (including cardiovascular, which was 6. Pfizer Because for quite a few adverse events we said: OK, it exists, and there is a report, but still get vaccinated. And, Ehden adds, This agreement is above any local law of the state.. One question that we should all be asking is this: If the COVID-19 vaccines are, in fact, as safe and effective as the manufacturers claim, why do they require this level of indemnification? Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, commented on the news in a Sept. 2 Substack post, asking, Why didnt they release the original presentation made by the safety team?. After leaving a vaccination provider site, if you think you or your child might be having a severe allergic A moved towards the One World Religion. At first, they utterly deny any causal relationship between these disorders and the COVID-19 vaccines in this case they denied it despite countless reports that flooded the internet from the very beginning of the vaccination rollout. In 2016, the pope summoned the CEO of the Fortune Companies of the World in Vatican, among the familiar companies are The Rockefeller ( owner of Pfizer), the Johnson and Johnson, Facebook and many companies who are active in todays Pandemic. First, they didnt want people to know what this vaccine actually does (During the meeting, the woman in charge of the previous system says she has received thousands of reports and doesnt know what to do with them.). Not only does Pfizer have total indemnification, but theres also a section in the contract titled, Assumption of Defense by Purchaser, which states that in the event Pfizer suffers losses for which it is seeking indemnification, the purchaser shall promptly assume conduct and control of the defense of such Indemnified Claims on behalf of the Indemnitee with counsel acceptable to Indemnitee(s), whether or not the Indemnified Claim is rightfully brought. Ehden notes: Pfizer is making sure the country will pay for everything: Costs and expenses, including fees and disbursements of counsel, incurred by the Indemnitee(s) in connection with any Indemnified Claim shall be reimbursed on a quarterly basis by Purchaser.. Indeed, Israel has a very high vaccination rate and was the first in the world to give boosters to everyone. Meanwhile, COVID-19 breakthrough cases, which used to be called vaccine failures, are on the rise. EMA states that the information was partially doctored, and that the perpetrators selected and aggregated data from different users and added additional headings. Notre site en Franais: mondialisation.ca. Any decent public official would have told them where to stick their contract but it looks like there is a worldwide shortage of decent officials. It was also a generic list, which includes irrelevant adverse events like manufacturing and lab test issues, and even product availability and supply issues, as well as other diseases like MERS and chickenpox. plot or plan was the craziest thing Tom had ever heard of. and several Journalists including the BMJ were sent coples of the leak by anonvmous senders. Actually, its in the pits, the armpits. On the free text part of the form, where patients were allowed to report whatever they wanted to, they [the researchers] observed and got many, many reports of neurological side effects some not currently listed by Pfizer as side effects of the vaccine.. Bhd. Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work! Worse, children affected by this syndrome will also The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers, headed by pediatric specialistProfessor Mati Berkowitz, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology unit at Shamir Medical Center, to analyse the data from a new adverse event reporting system they instituted to coincide with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in children age 5-11. The HSE, moda and the government continually state that the vaccines are safe and effective and those that had renorted vaccine-related injuries were oflen accused of making false correlations or imagining their symptoms. Ultimately, the EMA authorised the vaccine on 21 December 2020, nothing that the quality ofthis medicinal product, submitted in the emergency context of the current (covid-19) pandemic, is considered to be sufficiently consistent and acceptable., Fact #7 : FDA Never Agreed To Withhold Pfizer Documents For 75 Years. Fact #5 : Leaked EMA-Pfizer Data Was Tampered Before Release. Furthermore, it turns out that in order to downplay the rate of reports on menstrual irregularities, the MOH used a denominator of the total number ofall adult doses ~16 million and thus, absurdly, included men in the equation of how common menstrual irregularities are. The Moderna vaccine has been assoctaled with heart problems such as mvocarditis and pericarditis. Box 1520, While it has been approved for use in pregnant women, it is also known to cause pregnancy complications, including many spontaneous abortions. Gemma ODoherty previously worked for the Irish Independent newspaper, while John Waters used to work for The Irish Times. In the U.K., as of July 15, 87.5% of the adult population had received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 67.1% had received two. However, over 90% of the reports detailing the characteristics of the duration of this adverse event indicatelong-term changes(emphasis in the original. Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project destroys peoples lives. While the purchaser has virtually no way of canceling the contract, Pfizer can terminate the agreement in the event of a material breach of any term in their contract. To subscribe, please submit your email address below. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vtu1al","div":"rumble_vtu1al"}); Thank you for your interest in receiving the The Black Sphere newsletter. Mark Eccleston-Turner, a lecturer in global health law at Keele University in England, told STAT: [Pfizer] is trying to eke out as much profit and minimize its risk at every juncture with this vaccine development then this vaccine rollout. TheMinistry of HealthdidnotrespondtoReal-Time Magazines requests for comment. As is well known, Israel was crowned, by none other than Pfizers CEO Albert Burla, the worlds laboratory. BUY NOW: Ed Dowds Must-Read Book Cause Unknown. Meanwhile, the purchaser must also keep the terms of the contract confidential for a period of 10 years. None of the other four HMOsshared their data, including Israels two largest ones, and the head of the research team said that they are keeping the data close to their chests, mentioning. When we go to page 30 of the document, with the adverse events, we have a list that spends about 10 pages. Pfizer cannot be fined for late deliveries, nor does the contract allow the cancelling of orders for whatever reason. Indemnification by the purchaser is also explicitly required by the contract, which states, under section 8.1: Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer, BioNTech, each of their Affiliates, contractors, sub-contractors, licensors, licensees, sub-licensees, distributors, contract manufacturers, services providers, clinical trial researchers, third parties to whom Pfizer or BioNTech or any of their respective Affiliates may directly or indirectly owe an indemnity based on the research , from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees and other expenses of an investigation or litigation arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the Vaccine . Therefore, there is a high risk for pregnant women takingthe covid vaccine. The list of adverse reactions also includes inflammation, fainting and breathing difficulties. And for a good reason. Data from the UK Health SecurityAgency (UKHSA) listed on page 2has also revealed that both covid-19 deaths and cases were worse in vaccinated people, particularly those over the age of 18. Kirsch also commented on the lack of media coverage of the Israeli researchers findings: Dr. There were 173 cases of hospitalization and ER visits that were separately examined by a dedicated expert committee. Do Not Fear Nuclear War You Can Survive! Further, Pfizer can make adjustments to the number of contracted doses and their delivery schedule, based on principles to be determined by Pfizer, and the country buying the vaccines must agree to any revision., It doesnt matter if the vaccines are delivered severely late, even at a point when theyre no longer needed, as its made clear that Under no circumstances will Pfizer be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties. As you might suspect, the contract also forbids returns under any circumstances., The big secret: Pfizer charged U.S. More Than Other Countries. Products cannot be returned for whatever reason. In short, the MOH admitted that for nearly a year Israel did not have a functioning adverse event reporting system akin to VAERS, despite havingpublicly claimedotherwise. (Israels health system is divided into five different HMO-type organisations; each Israeli is required to sign up with one of the HMOs.) The Israeli MOH artificially minimised the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a. https://genzconservative.com/wall-street-behind-the-curtain/. For instance, one of the adverse effects included in a report is about a child who swallowed a penny after getting the shot. Yet, as the MOH now admits, during this entire critical year in which the vast majority of Israelis were vaccinated, most of them with 2-3 doses, the vaccine adverse events reporting system was dysfunctional and did not enable a reliable analysis of the data. Four-minute video exposing the MoH report, Nick Dixon and Toby Young Talk About the Rejection of Shamima Begum, the Cancellation of Dilbert and the Desecration of the Quran, Stroke Consultations Shoot Up by 25% Since Vaccine Rollout, Woke Boycott of Harry Potter Video Game Backfires Spectacularly, Isle of Man Suspends Sex Education Classes After Drag Queen Tells 11 Year-Olds There Are 73 Genders, Covid Vaccination Linked to 21% Increase in Medical Problems Nature, The Worse-Than-Useless Pandemic Models Are Back Already, The Fight Against Climate Zealots is Just One Front in the Battle to Preserve Freedom and Democracy. We know about medications. Prof. Mati Berkowitz refused to comment and referred us to the IMOH. In fact, since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, many Israeli experts have expressed serious concerns regarding the ability of the IMOH to monitor the safety of the vaccine and provide reliable data to the world. pic.twitter.com/IgXavuYaSH, Yaffa Shir-Raz (@YaffaRaz) September 1, 2022. Even if the dosages It means that the vaccine is actually deleting parts of peoples chromosomes! Y.S). In Table 7, there are 69 cases of confirmed (57) or probable (12) cases of acute kidney injury and renal failure, but that includes none at all in the U.S., strangely. And now look what happened to me. In June 2021, they signed one of their biggest contracts to date with the Philippine government for 40 million doses. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. A leaked video reveals that in June, the researchers presented serious findings to the MOH, that indicated long-term effects, including some not listed by Pfizer, and a causal relationship so the Ministry published a manipulative report, and told the public that no new signal was found. The research team told the MOH officials: You have to think very very carefully about how you communicate this to the public because you may open yourself to legal lawsuits and liability issues because what you promoted is, in fact, not the reality in what we see in the reports., Despite the importance of this discussion, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at MOH and the person who signed the contract with Pfizer was not present during the meeting. Dr. Josh Guetzkow is Senior Lecturer in Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. On page 31, we see a lot of autoimmune diseases furthermore, choking sensations All Rights Reserved. This isyet another example of FAKE NEWScreated and propagated by According to the video recording, the researchers informed MOH officials about the many reports of serious and long-term side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, including side effects Pfizer didnt list on the patient information leaflet, such as digestive side effects especially abdominal pain in children and back pain. Published by academics in Sweden, the study purports to show that the "messenger" RNA at the heart of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine can be converted to DNA inside a human cell via "reverse transcription". In fact, Pfizers request for the approval of the boosters was at least partially based on the so-called study conducted in Israel. What is the purpose of such a contract ??? Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine: Recent documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have made some important revelations pertaining to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Dr. Alroi-Preis stated: Its our data. Thank you! Since the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the vaccine also has been plagued by Your email address will not be published. The precautionary principle of medicine now demands an immediate halt to the COVID vaccination program, Kirsch said. There have also been rare reports of heart inflammation (myocarditis) or inflammation of the heart membrane (pericarditis) after the second dose of Pfizer, though a causal link has not been established. Symptoms of these conditions include chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations, but these are usually mild. Gaat de zoektocht van de mens naar kennis, macht en een langere levensduur over, UPDATE 30-11-2021 Details over het leven in de Australische quarantainekampen beginnen via internet uit te lekken. Hoewel de informatie niet direct kan worden geverifieerd, werd, Turkish TV channel Beyaz was at a press conference showing photos of babies born horribly disfigured after their mothers were injected with the Covid vaccines, De zogenaamde pandemische babys zijn babys, die tijdens de pandemie zijn verwekt en die bovendien het product zijn van ouders, die zijn ingent met het, Een moeder die de COVID-vaccinatie niet vertrouwt, kreeg te horen dat ze een keizersnede nodig zou hebben Het ziekenhuis en de artsen stonden erop dat, Classified documents and White House memo reveal extermination plans for millions of people in America and worldwide through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. Government for 40 million doses contracts to date with the Philippine government for 40 million doses plan was the thing... In detail how this insidious project destroys peoples lives immediate halt to the IMOH referred us the! Meanwhile, COVID-19 breakthrough cases, which used to work for the Independent. 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