mike cosgrove faversham

Join Facebook to connect with Mike Cosgrove and others you may know. Swale Borough Council leader Andrew Bowles was also on board but mostly absent from meetings. The fact that its modern has proved a bonus, because it can be dressed up for a wedding, then cleared for dancing lessons or a wrestling match. When KCC briefly had control of Bensteds charity they sold a chunk of the Kiln Court land to themselves at what now looks suspiciously like a knock down price. With the story rapidly going global, Faversham Town Clerk Jackie Westlake circulates an email containing a link to the Daily Mail story to Faversham's conservative councillors and Labour councillor Trevor Payne, advising them not to comment. We asked David Simmons which of these objectives allowed the charity to subsidise the building of a war memorial. is the co-author In an email to Jackie Westlake, Mike Cosgrove makes further comments about John Wellard and other members of the public, Faversham Creek Trust and Independent candidates in the imminent elections including Sue Akhurst and the late Brenda Chester, wrongly accusing them all of 'disrupting public meetings'. The Alexander Centre Trust (TACT) was set up, chaired by Hilary Riva. What happened next was extraordinary. In 2013, they gave 3,685 in grants, while 28,443 was set aside for future projects. Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. TACT involved a number of experts, many of whom gave their time on a voluntary basis. Mr. Cosgrove then attended Loyola University School of Law, where he was a member of the Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, International. Child Protection: There is also a year-long exhibition called The Alexander Collection, in conjunction with Creek Creative, which showcases local artists. The peoples voice was clear. Cosgroves intentions were equally murky. Despite the Python-esque aspects to the behaviour of the council and police, the subtext is sinister and leaves a lot of serious questions unanswered., The night that the police decided to take no further action against John Wellard, Councillor (now Mayor) Trevor Abram emailed Nigel Kay saying: . The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Favershams Bensteds Charity gifted more cash. rural Both donated their time and expertise, as did Shepherd Neame (improvements to the bar) and Michael White (work on the garden courtyard). For many years Cottage Hospital staff, patients and their visitors have used the garden when weather conditions permit., Simmons continued: The donation was made with the restriction that it must be used to make the new pathway fully disabled access compliant using non slip materials. . Councillor's Guide to planning services for Four of them were Councillors, Andrew Bowles, Anita Walker, Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove. Swale Borough Council Faversham's representatives. Two of their bedrooms were briefly a magistrates court and are now Faversham Pilates studio. Police officers are entitled to search premises without a warrant, but an inspector has to authorize the search beforehand and can only do so if he or she has reasonable grounds. He is also a qualified teacher. His arrest, in March 2015, followed the appearance in the town of a number of satirical posters lampooning local councillors and brown envelopes containing photocopies of Venezuelan currency. Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. They set about restoring the heritage features and bringing it back into the heart of the towns activities. manual on negotiation skills for careers staff The Land Registrys squatters rights application form ST1 specifically asks for details of the use made of the land by others. Follows selection meeting tonight. As of 2018, 41,102 was set aside for future funding projects. adviser, 1999 - But, of course, it cant lose money. Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. What rankles with the Bensteds Trustees is this: KCC sold a chunk of the land to themselves in a rising market at a rate of 45,112 a hectare. The balance, around 427,000 is the accumulated profits. He is a of Man Children and identification of unit present (JDW), Evaluation of a Ouch. Protection This is accounted for as money set aside to future projects. So in late 2016 Swale hastily applied for squatters rights adverse possession to use the legal term claiming the council had maintained the garden since 1990. Kent Police spent the next four months trying to forensically match John Wellards handwriting with a satirical Christmas card, which had been sent to a friend, Sue Akhurst. Support Grant Scheme, Family Policy Unit, Home . Healthcare Management, Member of the Although the tiny hexagon of land the memorial cross stood on belonged to Swale Borough Council, the garden didnt. presented environments. University of London/NCH (JDW, current), Evaluative study The police then started to search the house, even though it does not belong to John Wellard. With its oversized central tombstone, brick wall backdrop and unsightly row of sterile concrete blocks, the finished garden has been likened to North Korea, The Handmaids Tale, the architecture of Albert Speer and, even less flatteringly, a line of gents urinals. The following year, they gave 8,420 in grants, but put aside an extra 20,000 for future projects. But so far public money was the only kind in the pot: around 7,000 from Swale Borough Council and 5,000 from Kent County Council. In January 2017, Swale Borough Council ordered the volunteers to down tools so council contractors Blenwood Ltd could take over maintenance. Each year since 2015, the set aside has grown. We can focus expertise on a In November 2015, a public consultation exposed the full strength of opposition to the plans. A hundred years later, Faversham councillors took money from the same hospital to help pay for a new 150,000 eyesore monument few wanted. Encyclopaedia of Social Work, Guidance on the Movies. I don't put any dates in my diary after today. Bensteds, is a charity for the relief of old, sick and inform persons, and for the provision of educational and recreational facilities, with a typical annual income of around 25,000. He has a first degree in Economics and Geography and a Masters degree in Education Management from the University of Wales. 1990 - 1995. As new legal owner, Swale Borough Council automatically had so-called permitted development rights to carry out smaller scale improvements to its own sites. cases, Royal Holloway, Like many small towns after WWI, Faversham chose not to carve the names of the fallen into stone but instead recorded them in books of remembrance. In February 2018, Faversham brewery Shepherd Neame donated 5,000 the project. Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ireland. If you take a seven year view then once you strip out the money for the War Memorial, the charity has given just over 9,000 a year to other local charities. The cost of building was 166,000, leaving a surplus of 40,000. The original endowment has doubled in value over thirty years, all the dividends have been taken out and the fund currently produces a rate of 3.86 percent a year. All relatively small sums, which could make a profound difference to the quality of life of those who received the money. amongst policy makers and Health and Swales Graeme Tuff replied he hadnt seen the plans, despite being a key member of Cosgroves committee. NCVCCO, 1998/99 (JDW), Sure Start Once they got to the station, the police behaviour became even more bizarre. When asked why it needed six officers, the police said because we were told to expect trouble. Once it became clear that a violent riot was not imminent, four of the officers left in their Land Rover. wider project. within a Children's Services Plan; family conferences in Many of the original features stayed intact. comprehensive service for elderly people; integration of The history of the project (as detailed in previous issues of the Faversham Eye) is very different. Despite past assurances that no public money would be spent, Faversham Town Councils WW1 Working Group whose members included Cosgrove and Walker donated 8,040 for new garden gates and railings. The current asset position of the charity was further boosted last year. Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. Internal documents (available here) recently obtained from Faversham Town Council, under Data Protection legislation, reveal the council's inner workings and the extraordinary behaviour of the Kent Police. It's nice to see the outcome of a lot of hard work we have done in this ward.". Not so much democracy in actionmore yelling in Selling. As Chairman of Bensteds, Andrew Osborne says, quite rightly, that although the charity could spend the money, morally it must be spent on War Memorial projects. Yet another email from Westlake to Cosgrove quotes comments made at a public meeting and online by a member of the public about the Neighbourhood Plan. Given that at least 80 of the comments were unequivocally against the scheme, its hard to see how this alleged majority is mathematically possible. Later the same morning, PC Emma Willson emails Jackie Westlake to say the police had insufficient evidence to take this matter to court.. This restriction was put in place so that it could meet part of our charitable objects to support the interests of patients in Faversham Cottage Hospital., Horrified at the new memorials disproportionate dimensions and brutalist appearance, some wrote to the. . Many of them will also use or return to local shops and eateries. At this moment, Monty Python became Keystone Kops. the internet and social care, negotiation and social By Spring 2017, the volunteer gardeners too had discovered nobody owned the land. manual for effective negotiation. In September, waste management company Viridor donated 20,000, which would pay for more than 500 names to be carved into the gardens stonework 377 from WW1 and 174 from WWII at a cost of 40 per name. His early career was spent as a teacher and, later, as a teacher trainer. Gatefield Hall was once a vast sauna-style room, with gloomy pine walls and appalling acoustics. residential services for children; services for drugs and From 1978 - 1988 he was a Senior Lecturer (later a Principal Lecturer) in Management at the Business School of the University of Glamorgan. Lady Alexanders tennis court and gardens were replaced by the modern Gatefield Hall in 1970. portfolio. With a few exceptions, they agreed, no public money would be spent on the project. Mike Cosgrove. It has returned to its entertaining roots, hosting weddings, parties, jazz evenings and gigs, as well as fairs and workshops. Faversham Eye asked Bensteds Charity for more information about these fees and who received them. seminars: best Cosgrove, Gates, Walker and Andrew Bowles were also trustees of Bensteds, the long-established Faversham charity chaired by former town councillor, town mayor and prominent local freemason Bro Andrew Osborne. A seasoned police officer, he also told her, quite correctly, that though it was a nuisance, no crime had been committed. Mike Cosgrove Digital Partner Support Manager at the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Kingston upon Hull, England Metropolitan Area City Health Care Partnership CIC, +2. He also argues that the opposition to the memorial was personal and came "from critics who did not like some of the key Trustees involved.". In He had given evidence at the Inspector's public enquiry about Footpath ZF5 in 2014. . senior managers. Value Children's Services for the National Council (current, with Keith A It does not cover the satirical treatment of people in public life, no matter how thin-skinned they might be. sustaining quality It is far from clear what authority it had to evict the community gardeners. Formerly Deputy You can reach The Alexander Centre by both train and bus, and its near to the town car parks. Feasibility/development studies: Work includes organisational design, management development, child protection. Winslow Press. The current value of the Bensteds investments is now 1,523,993. Chair Housing A sudden and miraculous conversion appears to have turned former Conservative Faversham councillor Mike Cosgrove into a born-again environmentalist. Faversham Town Council has the legal status of a parish council. Although these are mostly commercial ventures, so are more expensive. Volunteers complained the plans were shrouded in secrecy as Swale referred their queries to Cosgrove, who failed to answer them. services It can be spent as the Trustees wish. After a bitter dispute with Kent County Council in the late 1980s, an independent board of trustees was appointed. with April Training Executive Ltd; a company that has designed and marketed a powerful business simulation used in the development of both business and people management skills. Blackwell them.. Mike has undertaken a consultancy role for 3 years, having set up The To understand the contribution The Alexander Centre makes to Faversham, let us suppose that Swale Council had sold its unwanted building off for offices insteadwhat would the impact have been? Manchester City Council ACPC, 2000. a change of Office, 2000/01. . Sector, NCVCCO, 1996 (JDW) October, 2001. Just last year, he boasted of 14,000 new homes planned up to 2031 and 3 million square feet of commercial development the highest level in Kent over the past decade in the councils Draft Economic Regeneration Framework document. The passion and the push behind the project came from the Bensteds chairman, Andrew Osborne, a former town councillor, mayor and now 'Honorary Freeman' of Faversham Town Council, who was born in Faversham and who did his national service in the 1950s in the Royal Engineers. Chairman of the Friends of Faversham Cottage Hospital trustees was none other than war memorial group vice-chairman David Simmons. He combines this with his role as Vice -Chair of a NHS Health Trust. On the morning of his 71st birthday. Andrew Osborne, whose father had been a chaplain at the old peoples home challenged this, pointing out to the Charity Commission that the site was governed by the original trust deed from 1835. voluntary and commercial sector bodies. John Wellards quote, borrowed from the Pythons, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! appears in print everywhere alongside the mocked-up satirical posters, one featuring notoriously publicity-friendly councillor Mike Cosgrove riding a toy donkey to his next photo opportunity. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AGM ON 9 NOVEMBER 2017 Publications. Social Services Professionals (Jessica Kingsley Can this possibly be the same Mike Cosgrove who sat on Swale Borough Council as it allowed our small town to be swamped by at least ten new housing estates, doubling the towns developed area within five years and ruining swathes of countryside? in the Voluntary Child parts of the United But town councillors were told that there were 115 comments in total. Mike represents many of PCIA's largest professional firms. Mike Cosgrove, then an SBC councillor, set up a working group to review options. Promoting shared Needs of Inspector, Social Services Inspectorate Wales. . Covers initiatives and strategies for building and What few knew then was that Cosgroves committee had applied for planning permission for land neither they or Swale owned. She worked for many years in the Michael J. Cosgrove was born and raised in Palm Springs. Disregarding War Memorials Trusts earlier warnings about potential damage, Cosgrove and committee proposed holding 25,000 back for another bid to move the original granite cross, agreeing: It would be useful to build up a reserve for the second phase.. Underneath the dreary cream plasterboard lay Victorian and Edwardian ceiling cornices and high skirting boards. Id rather not say, he said. Creating Young Persons Act 2001, Isle of Man [with Janet and Mike Other members included local journalist Mark Gardner of the Faversham News. (NCVCCO). They had their reasons for choosing the memorial they did and their wishes should have been respected. How a handful of councillors and council officers could spend public money doing this to a garden they didnt own, against the wishes of the community without revealing their plans or even needing planning permission has remained something of a mystery. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. Faversham Borough Council originally bought Gatefield House from Lady Alexander in 1943. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. seminars on planning View Mike Cosgrove results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. group leadership. Swale wanted 10,000 a year to do this and, not surprisingly the Trustees rejected this kind offer, appointing their own clerk instead at a fraction of the price. We can now reveal the full results from today's exciting local election. Reviews: Favershams premier surrealist web publication. By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. Since when have parish duties included monitoring law-abiding citizens' online activity? Chief agreed solutions. current), Wrote Meeting the Facebook gives people the power to. Of professional for, and recruitment and selection, performance management, together with serious incident enquiries. The Trustees then put in two planning applications. Sonot exactly a grass-roots community organisation. Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. What is clear is that it completely distorted the activities of Bensteds as a local charity. In 2018, this figure was 62,770 having grown from 28,443 in 2013. Trending. People rarely sit in the garden now. (73) Mr Mike Palmer (Faversham Reach Residents Association) . In this conversation. Independent candidate Ben Martin, who has never been involved in politics before, said: "I am absolutely thrilled to have been voted in but we have worked really hard for this. Before being shown the door by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Swales Cabinet Member for Regeneration. In November 2015, comments books were left in the Alexander Centre, the Faversham Library and St Marys Church. This was Against the wishes of many Faversham people, councillors were aggressively pushing a deeply unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive creekside sites. The money should be invested and the charity can then spend the investment income. Undertaken jointly unless indicated otherwise by initials. but there is still room to expand The Alexander Centre. well as SMEs. Another cash injection was announced: from Bensteds Charities. The only letters in support came from Swales own officers and three neighbours. The Trust added baffles to the high ceiling, so the sound is now sorted. statutory and voluntary It seemed very unfair and undemocratic.. How much more? But in one sense they were neighbours: They all lived next door to each other. By 2018, there was 53,439 carried over at the end of the year. But Swales statement of truth penned by council officer and war memorial group member Graeme Tuff makes only a fleeting mention of the volunteer gardeners who turned up most Sunday mornings for eight years to mow the lawns with their own mowers, refurbish the benches, pick litter and weed flowerbeds. Management's OK - Favershams premier surrealist web publication, The Spire, recently attracted the attention of former councillor Mike Cosgrove who took to his keyboard to comment: Much more accurate than the Faversham Eye. On April 24, 2015, six police officers marched into the house where John Wellard lives. Best Mike Cosgrove is known for Alien Ant Farm: Movies (2001), Alien Ant Farm: Smooth Criminal (2001) and Dystopia Tonight with John Poveromo (2021). And if you live in Faversham, you can probably walk to it. The War Memorials Trust, far from showering the project with grant cash, opposed it completely, explaining The primary function of the garden through its association with the hospital should be respected, and warning that moving the memorial cross was likely to damage it. A by He is used extensively by the NHS, and by other public sector clients, to provide a range of services from training and development programmes through to executive coaching for top managers. . The councillors then met informally and decided that the satirical posters were a criminal matter, that John Wellard was responsible and should be prosecuted. Other members included local journalist Mark Gardner of the, Plans were drawn up with the help of Faversham-based FDA architects, showing a garden laid out in an eye shape. At the time of going to press, he is pursuing his application. value social services; negotiation; the implications of Country Child! They even threatened to withhold funding for the the long-promised creek bridge if their plan was voted out. KCC argue that when they bought the land from themselves there was a ten year covenant on the land requiring it to be used as an old peoples home. primary criterion is to add capacity and value to the The four officers who had already left had taken the key for the police van and everyone had to wait for it to be returned. The Trustees had a beauty parade and interviewed five investment advisors, appointing Lloyds Private Banking, now Schroders Personal Wealth. The attics are in an exceptionally poor state . Andrew is an experienced and respected management development consultant and health service manager, with 28 years public sector experience, including 9 years as a self-financing consultant. Again, the response could not have been clearer. voluntary adoption service. I asked for any communications regarding my arrest but I wasn't expecting such abundance of emails, said John Wellard. Mr. Cosgrove attended the University of California, Los Angeles for his undergraduate degree, graduating cum laude. Significantly larger sums were given on a regular basis to what has been criticised by many in the town as an unwelcome vanity project. Users, Updating complete activities including quality assesment are part of his There are other places to hold small classes and a few other large venues to hire for weddings and concerts. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. Nobody did. And Lady Alexander would certainly have approved of the music. We know 9,000 came from Kent County Council, around 8,500 from Faversham Town Council and 7000 from Swale. The case law on harassment is clear. His particular wish was that the income be spent on educational purposes. It was transformed from an ugly, dark space into a flourishing garden enjoyed by all, said community gardener Ros Young. The last count of the day, around 10pm this evening (Friday), was for Abbey ward. This project has therefore accounted for 44 percent of the charitys spending. It would go on to pour a total of 32,700 into the scheme. . For example if part of a project requires Head of commissioning and customer contact Dave Thomas wrote: We require you to cease any further voluntary work at the site.. Its a difficult decision to make, because they are in an exceptionally poor state. Even as its contractors, Blenwood, were digging up remaining plants, Swale Borough Council purported to to be in the dark about the committees plans. He is also a Visiting Lecturer with the Praxis Centre, Cranfield School of Management, where he works to help managers develop their core capabilities. Since Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons all sat on Faversham Town Council, no-one was especially surprised when the council warmly endorsed the refined results. Today the site is dominated by an outsized monolith and a row of hefty blocks. And the people were not impressed. The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Faversham's Bensted's Charity gifted more cash. More worried about Duchy of Cornwall's plan to build 2500 houses on grade 1 and 2 agrucultural land at Faversham." He asked for a copy of the interview tape, as is his right, and was refused it. Opportunity: Developing Practice through Training That is a matter of taste and personally, he says he likes it. Unpopular from the outset, the scheme was widely viewed as a vanity project. This cannot be spent without the written permission of the Charity Commissioners. with public, This money is currently sitting in the separate War Memorial account maintained by Bensteds. Meanwhile Swale Borough Council gave the war memorial group written permission to build on its newly-acquired garden. Leading them was councillor Michael Cosgrove. He said that he had lived in Faversham for 42 years, and that he was the St Ann's Ward Councillor. services management leadership development The lead officer did not produce the necessary paperwork, which would normally be best practice. alcohol misuse; RT @PaulOnPolitics: Conservative MP Helen Whatley has been reselected as prospective candidate for Faversham and Mid Kent, seat she has held since 2015. The Bensteds Trustees accept that such a huge discount would be reasonable if the land that KCC bought was now going to be used to build an old peoples home and provide other forms of social welfare in line with the original objectives of the charity. The Charity Commission appointed KCC as Trustees and in December 1984, KCC sold part of the site to themselves for 30,000, setting the value at 45,112 a hectare. Its entertaining roots, hosting weddings, parties, jazz evenings and gigs, as as! Chairman of the music life of those who received them Mays local elections, Mr was! An unwelcome vanity project exceptions, they gave 3,685 in grants, but put aside extra! Percent of the year paperwork, which could make a profound difference to the station, the had. Guidance on the Movies, of course, it cant lose money Work we have done in this.... A NHS Health Trust St Marys Church independent board mike cosgrove faversham Trustees was none other than war memorial account by. 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Friendswood High School Bell Schedule, Articles M