vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land

(Source), Keepers of the Knowledge of Heliocentric Astronomy, The Vatican. The Large Binocular Telescope which is not affiliated with the Vatican Observatory is a pair of 8.4m telescopes side by side. Graham complex came to be and examine some of the Vatican's contributions. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that he needed to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-Americans anthropologists. Im taking deep breaths as I finished reading this statement. The telescope's official name is the Alice P. Lennon Telescope The design of the device allows for extremely sharp levels of foc What Is the Vatican Telescope Looking For? Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. Lucifer was named by German academic astronomers a separate telescope from the VATT Observatory and separate scientific observations. Interestingly, theres a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. <, Brandt, Elizabeth. As of 1965 the Mount Graham Red Squirrel was believed to have been extinct. Required fields are marked *. Currently the observatory remains as a working scientific research area that has been awaiting renewal for a permit since April of 2009. The people of these tribes were mixed with other Apache tribes when placed on reservations in the 1800s, but have slowly made their way back to their native lands and have distinct cultural and religious backgrounds. (Source). These early traditions of the Observatory reached their climax in the mid-nineteenth century with research conducted at the Roman College by the famous Jesuit, Father Angelo Secchi, the first to classify stars according to their spectra. **** LUCIFER Built On Sacred Indian Burial Grounds This was simple for us though because no one here claims to be infallible, where Biblical knowledge is concerned; and we are constantly adjusting and perfecting our knowledge. Photo by Claire Cummings.) So God created man ( not aliens) man created the telescope and the Vatican created the laws to enslave man. Graham possesses such a sacred character which precludes responsible and legitimate use of the land" (Swanner 2015: 157). The Vatican also owns most of the early books of antiquity on astronomy as well as owning the most patents on celestial observatories. Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that ones wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. First and foremost the word in the actual Hebrew text (that is translated as Lucifer) is the word haylel () which means morning star. sensual or selfish Souls ? Indian Country Today Media Network, LLC, 18 June 2012. The Vatican Observatory is most likely part of the Manufactured Alien Threat. The partial phase ends at 1:51 a.m. St. Peters & Pauls Catholic churchs address is: 666 Filbert St. San Francisco,CA in North Beach. One of the stake holders in the MGIO is a group of European institutes who built an infrared camera and spectroscope, and named it Lucifer. They are on a common altitude-azimuth mounting for a combined collecting area of an 11.8m telescope. Vatican astronomers used some of the facilities of Steward Observatory, but in 1993 the 1.8-meter Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) opened on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona. The 1.8 meter Alice P. Lennon Telescope and its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared which achieved first light, the first starlight to pass through the telescope onto a detector, in 1993. Due to Arizona's high elevation and clear skies, the VATT is just one among dozens of telescopes located in the state; as the Vatican Observatory website reports, Arizona is "where sky conditions are among the best in the world, and . The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona) reports that the Jesuit Father Charles W. Polzer calls opposition to the construction of the telescope complex on top of Mount Graham part of a Jewish conspiracy and comes from the Jewish lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union who are out to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. Graham: Apaches and Astrophysical Development in Arizona | Cultural Survival. The Fight for Dzil Nchaa Si An, Mt. As a Mason, it never fails to tickle me when I read the strange ideas that some people have of the fraternity. <p>Guess What Happens When "They're The ONLY" Game In Town? of course you do not address the fact that the Vatican is the greatest and longest owners of large scale telescopes, had a Jesuit priest advising Einstein and that Copernicus book that allegedly discredited the Vatican, was dedicated to the Pope. Placing unauthorized or unwelcomed whatever on Indian sacred ground, like this telescope, or even taking any sort of sacred symbols, down to the rocks and dirt, without permission or a blessing to do so, could be a nightmare, a real life story for a Dan Brown novel and may add to the growing issues facing the Catholic Church. But because the mountain was taken away from tribal control, Apache people over the past 150 years have not always been able to find that peace or even pray in their sacred land. In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. Was there an ulterior motive behind this? Lucifer was the light bearer not the morning star, unless youre reading a Bible version from corrupt manuscripts. Device and its purpose, read my original article below, originally posted on June 20, 2016. The Catholic Encyclopedia, claims it to have a deeper significance; hence this permits them to apply it to hasatan, even though it contradicts the context of the passage. Research results are published in international journals. Ive been to Indian sacred grounds and experienced a few situations to influence my belief. "It's where we go to gather our medicinal plants, to do prayers. Only three telescopes have been constructed so far on the summit, and the Apache people continue to voice their opposition to what they believe is the defilement of their holy place. Same ash been mentioned in Morals and Dogma: LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! This decision sparked a controversy of science, religion, and environment. The director of the Vaticans Observatory, George Coyne, wrote that efforts to protect Mount Graham consist of a kind of environmentalism and a religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force that we can muster.. Welch described settler sentiment at the time: "This is out of control," they would say. (Though printed in 1450s in Germany, the Gutenberg Bible was written in Latin. Bigelow and Lemmon, High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope, Telescopes Used Primarily for Public Viewing, Raymond E. White, Jr. 21" Telescope on Campus, Other Talks for the Professional Community. Mount Graham was selected for the Vatican observatory due to its exceptional location that would help humans to better understand the origins of the universe. Due observatories prolonged struggle to obtain a new permit, and the rise in support from governmental groups, environmental groups, and the Apache people themselves this may be one struggle for sacred land that is not lost. What one may notice is that many groups who, associate divinity/infallibility with their leaders, and/or the KJV (and any other Text which falsely translates haylel as Lucifer), will be extremely reluctant to accept this simple error, and will become immediately defensive of their congregation and this tradition. Perhaps you can enlighten us by answering one of these basic FE doctrine related questions (and if youre really astute, why not all of them!). Even Satan doesn't known when it will happen and so he [], [] wolves calculate that one! Telescope. "House Votes to Sell Apache Land to Foreign Corporation, Tribe Is . Graham in southeastern Arizona. The means through which they went about acquiring sacred Indian burial land is also another dark stain on the dark agenda of the Roman Catholics Jesuits to control all knowledge (and propaganda) about space. OAK FLAT, AZ - Jan. 10, 2021: Former San Carlos Apache Chairman Dr. Wendsler Nosie addresses Apache Stronghold on January 10 . Proper names are transliterated NOT translated. The Vatican Observatory shares space (no pun intended) with other organizations and groups. In 1902, it became part of the U.S. National Forest system and in 1953, it was merged into the Coronado National Forest. The mountain is one of several which mark the boundaries of their sacred space. bears the Light, and with its So definitively Lucifer and Haylel have the same meaning (implicitly), however there is one major problem. Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster. As they learned what was at stake, the San Carlos Apache Tribe issued several resolutions against the observatory. One hundred years earlier, the Guttenberg Press invention, (taking credit from the Chinese who developed the printing press in the mid 11th century), brought books to the masses of Europe. Where does it say the sun and moon hover, or whose research are you questioning? The University president claimed that he was unaware that Mount Graham was sacred to the Apache and that the Apache opposed the desecration of this sacred place. Now do you see whythe Pope who has been caught worshiping Satanhasa telescope named Lucifer pointing towards that Nebula? At the time, the University of Arizona was in the midst of constructing the $87 million Large Binocular Telescope, billed as the largest optical telescope on Earth. With these rich traditions as a basis and in order to counteract the longstanding accusations of hostility of the Church towards science, Pope Leo XIII in his Motu Proprio Ut Mysticam of 14 March 1891 formally refounded the Vatican Observatory and located it on a hillside behind the dome of St. Peters Basilica. Graham International Observatory. Northern Arizona News. (McLeod, Corbin). 1. Why would they set up the earliest observatories right at the end of the Dark Ages, that continues to this day some 500 years later, if they were so dead set on maintaining that the Earth was the center of the universe? It has been weeks since I asked for what should be simple proof, since the majority of the face of this earth is water. * how can they shift their movements into larger and smaller diameter paths? The illusion created, connivingly convincing, has entranced the worlds population into blindly believing a maleficent myth. The Vatican works hand in glove with NASA and major universities. Throughout the region of Arizona where the Apache lived, there are only two tribes that lived in territories that surrounded Mount Graham. Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, . Graham in Arizona to mount a telescope there? The Apache regard the Mt. Located on Mt. It's holy ground, sacred and alive to the Apache bands that call this corner of the Southwest home. Theres no way that were going to allow this to be done," people said. star plain and simple. Bregel, Emily. In fact, most of the early book publishing companies were in and around Rome for the first hundred years books became available to the masses. I took astronomy in college and it is not possible for the planets to move in the sky the way they do without the sun being the center of our solar system. Jim Loudon Observatory. OAK . Mount Graham is one of the four sacred mountains of the Apache people. The spiritual value of Mount Graham to the Apache was not considered. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT2023, ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS. Its just fits perfectly whole Lucifer propaganda. A full-motion simulator takes guests on a ride past Mt. Web. Device as a lens, but it is actually an infrared, binocular telescope. In 1997 the University of Arizona requested that all Apache's must apply for permission to pray 48 hours in advance. Now do you see why the Pope who has been caught worshiping Satan has a telescope named "Lucifer" pointing towards that Nebula? Graham. (Photo by Genevieve Clayton) (DiCosola, Maria. 03 Nov. 2012. And yes, its named for the Devil, whose name itself means morning star [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. This mountain is home to a large diversity of animals that have come up from the heat of Mexico and down from the northern mountains of the Pinaleo mountain range. The protection of the ecosystem remains crucially important to the San Carlos Apache because it is known as a place for collecting important medicinal plants, and preforming a variety of ceremonies important to their religious traditions. BTW, I am still waiting for you to point me to that curved water. Following the declarations of the sacredness of Mount Graham by the Apache Survival Coalition and the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Vatican in 1991declared that Mt. The Vatican set up one of the first observatories back in the 16th century and has continued to this day with the recent buildout of its newest observatory called LUCIFER, or LUCI, depending on what you read. I can offer a guess based on what I have observed."],"], The only answer being that central casting and planning want it that way. Well, brace yourself, because we are going expose this myth for what it is! (Stiles. The Vatican Observatory's research group in Arizona shares space with other organizations. The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona) reports that the Jesuit Father Charles W. Polzer calls opposition to the construction of the telescope complex on top of Mount Graham part of a Jewish conspiracy and comes from the Jewish lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union who are out to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. The Vatican's Mount Graham Telescope was named "Lucifer" by the German team who built it. 03 Nov. 2012. At nearly the same exact time, in 1609, Galileo Galilei built his first telescope by learning how to grind his own glass to make his star viewer. The Vatican Telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - is located not within the Vatican, but in Arizona! Could there be more to this story? ), In Italy, a center of early printing, print shops had been established in 77 cities and towns by 1500. And why is the Vatican interested and want to invest in something like this? In southern Arizona, the proposed site of a new mine is pitting the mining company, Resolution Cooper, against the San Carlos Apache people. Lucifer is part of the Large Binocular Telescope, which happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. VATT, 2012. <, Allen, Lee. "@ronin19217435 I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. It served not only home to their guardian spirits, but also is an ancient burial site. []. Also why do they refuse to allow access to what is most probably the largest collection of ancient writings books tablets etc. This is a simple indication that the word Haylel is not a proper name, nor was lucifer intended to be viewed as a proper name in its original usage. That's right $87 million. A whole Luciferian Religion (the worship of self and satan) has sprung off a Christian error! First, we'll look at how the Mt. Groups of up to six can reserve the 36-inch computerized telescope for a four-hour session. Sonoita. The land is sacred to Native Americans from the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation and many other Arizona tribes. The House bill, introduced by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), would overturn approval of a land exchange to trade away Oak Flat, known to the Apache as Chi'Chil'Ba'Goteel, to a . Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario By Greg Szymanski, JD April 23, 2010 The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument 'Lucifer'. Public events include our Monday Night Lecture Series, world-reknowned Astronomy Camp and Mt Lemmon Sky Center. Reservations were established by executive orders in 1871 through 1874, but Welch said the ordersneverreferencedthe treaty that enabled theircreation. Pray for Arizonas Mount Graham During National Sacred Places Prayer Days. Indian Country Today Media In May 2001, a federal court judge ruled that the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act remains in effect, exempting UA from compliance with these laws. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer? What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer; and the enemy, that is hasatan, is never, at any point in the Bible, referred to by name? The Mauna Kea TMT another Desecration of Sacred Hawaiian Land | Kauilapele's Blog. VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona . Experiences in the Sweat Lodge: Body Versus Mind, Melting: Uniting Ethics and Metaphysics through Embodied Ritual, Pine Ridge: The Three Stages of Liminality, Reflection and Analysis of My First Sweat Lodge, Religious Performance and Plural Reflection, Sacred Star Beings in Yuwipi: How Cultural Values Manifest in Ceremony and Living Beyond Analysis and Individuality, Sensory Performance and Collaborative Liminal Space, SMITHS ACCIDENTS IN RITUAL: And A Case Study of the Lakota Tribe, Strong Emotions in the Lakota Sweat Lodge, Suffering Through Prayer: When Ceremony Models the Secular, Sweat Lodge as a Response to Suffering Examined Via Clifford Geertzs Definition of Religion, Sweat Lodge Tension: The Ritualized Perfection, The Academic Approach to Understanding Sacred Ceremony, The Lakota Sweat Lodge: Integrating Theory and Experience, The Outside Perspective Against the Inside, The Power of Contradiction: Aligning the Ideal and the Actual through the Sweat Ceremony, Wisdom, Experience, and Bear Butte as a Sacred Model, Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Peoples in North America, Facebook Activism and Native American Religious Freedom in Prison, Indigenous Religions and Christianity: Acculturation and AssimilationA summary, Lakota Crafts: Significance of Dream Catchers and Prayer Ties, Lakota Language: Art, Oral Tradition, and Language Structure, Learning Re-embodiment Through the Lakota Tradition, Manifesting Stories Reflecting on the Web, Maps: An Exploration of Indigenous North American Cartography, Native Identity, Oppression, and Resistance, Paula Gunn Allen and the Feminine in Indigenous Traditions, Sacred and Medicinal Plants of Native America, The Sacred Hoop as inspiration for the feminist movement and myself, Virtual Scrapbook and Mike Littleboy Sr.s Story,,,,, The library at Castel Gandolfo contains more than 22,000 volumes and possesses a valuable collection of rare antique books including works of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Kepler, Brahe, Clavius, and Secchi. Magic nice answer/ Now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! How does that work on a spinning ball? 03 Nov. 2012. Our advice is to avoid these groups at all cost. (RNS) Congress approved the transfer of the land to Resolution Copper in 2014 in exchange for 6,000 acres elsewhere, but the Western Apache claim that the site has unique spiritual meaning. But you cant even pull an example of convex water out of that hat Seriously. by Greg Szymanski, JD,, April 23, 2010 Published here: Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 5:10 AM University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. Is it he who as holy land & it is believed there's a portal or star gate there 01 Mar 2023 11:50:59 They burned books and writings of other cultures as their ships circumnavigated the globe raping and pillaging other cultures riches. University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. Numerous groups, have used this misrepresentation of lucifer to build religions some even claiming themselves to be Messiahs or worldly representations of God on earth. Riley said when the mountain is disturbed by anything that shouldn't be there, the holy elements the peak possesses are destroyed. The Bible has the tendency to be silent concerning the specifics in heavenly matters; and it probably does so for a reason, being that not all heavenly things are to be revealed to humans (2 Cor 14:12). Wouldnt it be mind blowing to find out that the character Lucifer wasnt hasatan or the devil? The Vatican Observatory does not own each piece of equipment nor can it give official names or nicknames to things it does not own. January has another delight: a long total lunar eclipse on the night of January 20-21. The mexican spotted owl, Apache Trout, Pinaleo pocket gopher, long-tailed vole, and Northern Goshawk accompany the Mount Graham Red Squirrel on the endangered species list for animals residing in the area where the observatory was built. The Biden administration has put the brakes on a controversial land exchange that would have given a sacred Native American site to a multinational mining company by 11 March.. Parts of the . For website issues email:, University Land Acknowledgement Statement, Information for Faculty, Postdocs, & Grads, Promoting a Healthy and Welcoming Environment for our students, staff, and faculty, (Obsolete) Kitt Peak Summit Dorm Room Assignments, Kitt Peak Summit Dormitory Room Assignments, Steward Observatory Committee Assignments, UA Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, UA College of Science Community Connections, Remembering William John Cocke 1937 - 2022, Catalina Sky Survey Telescopes on Mts. Is it about the warning from the New Testament, book of Revelation and the end times? He mathematically proved it. The LBT observing instruments split into single beam instruments receiving light from one primary mirror only, and instruments combining the beams of the two mirrors while conserving their phase relation (interferometers). The NT does give us an image of hasatan being cast out of Heaven no doubt about that. 1999-2012 Christopher McLeod, 1 Nov. 2003. Graham in Tucson. Daniels referred to the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. Copernicus explained why the planets do not move in the sky the same way the stars do. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. #20 Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest NamedL.U.C.I.F.E.R.? almost. Sign up for Storyblocks at a Half as Interesting t-shirt: Suggest a video: . Then somebody remarked that Mt Graham also hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, and that it is somewhat amusing that Mt Graham has both Vatican and Lucifer. Sacred Native American land at Oak Flat, Arizona, to be traded to mining giant Wendsler Nosie Sr., former chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and a spiritual leader, has lived in an RV. 1.) Answer: The Vatican did not name a telescope "Lucifer.". FREE New Book #9 The Bible for AwakeningTruthers. The how is best answered by the one that designed the whole mechanism and set them on a path. The Vatican Observatory Research Group operates a telescope in Arizona called the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Funding for the project was only possible with the generosity of private, philanthropic support. The Apache effectively remained both in their own minds and in the law, in possession of significant property rights to their territory, Welch said. On this sacred and ecologically diverse mountain the University of Arizona and other international scientists chose to build an astronomical observatory. Details:, 480-221-9738. 4.) The Vatican Observatory donated a radio telescope and loans several exhibits to the park, including an astrolabe made in 1608 and the Mertz Telescope, constructed in 1870 in Morocco. Graham in south eastern Arizona, and is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory. Does the Lakota sweat ceremony provide a sense of place? From a hillside behind St. Peters Basilica, Vatican astronomers studied the heavens, taking part in an international program to map the whole sky. Change). Photo by David Harvey / National Science Foundation Although there is a possibility for the Director of the Vatican Observatory to have been confused by the different groups of the Apache, and thus unable to find believers of the mountains sacredness, it is unlikely for this to have been the case. The planned Vatican telescope was part of an ambitious $200 million proposal from the University of Arizona to create Mount Graham International Observatory with 13 telescopes located on. receive notifications of new posts by email. That's where we find peace and comfort to pray in our quiet way.". In fact, several pontifical observatories were established in Rome, including the Observatory of the Roman College, the Observatory on the Capitoline Hill and the Specola Vaticana (or Vatican Observatory). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They view the mountain as the embodiment of spiritual energy rather than as a specific place. The mountain has ancient, undisturbed burials, as well as being a source for medicinal plants and a location for ceremonies. From that time and with some degree of continuity the Holy See has manifested an interest in and support for astronomical research. The Vatican Observatory does not own each piece of equipment, nor can it give official names or nicknames to things it does not own. The 36-inch computerized telescope for a combined collecting area of an 11.8m telescope eclipse on the of! To point me to that curved water is an ancient burial site device a. Well as being a Source for medicinal plants, to do prayers cast out of that hat Seriously why the! Were established by executive orders in 1871 through 1874, but in Arizona shares (! N'T known when it will happen and so he [ ], ]! 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