bts reaction to you scolding them

Hed appreciate it for sure. Today. Hed giggle when you fully did. Lets play twister, yea baby?. A party, that I was hoping you would go to.. Hoseok frowned at your reaction, letting out a small sigh. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Of course I do. Once he found out he wouldnt be able to do anything from shock of why anyone would tell you something like that. After he put you in bed hell probably go out to a park to calm himself down and come back home the next morning. Ill make up an excuse for them to leave and we can cuddle and watch movies.. Does he even talk? Your mom asked, looking at him. If you can get the passcode you can drop off food or drag him out and back home to sleep.. Thanks for reading! Jimin, remember that on hip-hop class we took? BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you Genre:CRACK | Fluff | AngstMembers: OT7Word count: 2,503, A/N: Honestly Im not a big fan of this chapter but some tidbits of info in this one are essential for later on. Dont let it happen again. She nodded at them, warning all four of them. "-so you need to stop it!" The teacher even asked you about it, saying that it wasnt like you to have a damaged paper. Hell only encourage it. He would pick you up, carrying you into the bedroom. BTS reactions to you eating some of their food Seokjin: I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. That one really caring and touchy friend. This was really fun to write, but also difficult. 2 teams of 6 good looking men, 1 intern, 1 receptionist and an overwhelming amount oftension and flirting. He couldnt help but let out a slight aw as he seen you curled up in a little ball. Jungkook thanked them, turning over to you. He seems perfect? They dont like Worldwide Handsome? Hed laugh. Lets go be badasses!. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) It started off with passionate kisses, long hard and deep ones until he took a glance and realised that you were in his white shirt. ! The puppy would be closer to him than you and then he would spent most of his time with it that you usually had to try hard to get his attention. Jin: Jagi its ok I still love you and thats all that matters ,you dont have to be my ideal type for me to love you, Jin would not care too much about it at all seeing as you manage to win his heart and keep it despite not being his perfect image of some girl he did not meet,he met you and loved you, Rap monii:Yeah I mean you not but I dont see the problem, Not that he could care less about your insecure feeling its just since he had already told you he loved you that he would not understand why you got so worked up about it and simply comfort you with the iconic idk wtf is going on facelol he would still love you tho, WHA MY JAGI IS PERFECT NO MATTER WHAT I SAID ON SOME AWARD SHOW PLS DONT BE UPSET, The hyper would be a little shoked that someone had said you were not good enough for him because you were not his ideal-type but non the less he would use his hobi charm to cheer you up and start saying my ideal type in ma Angel, its ok jagi it doesnt matter Because you still got me, He would not say much and comfort you untill you felt better and offer to take you out to do whatever you want to make sure all the insecurities were gone, you are so beautiful the way you are it doesnt matter love ok, V would tell you all kinds of sweet words and he mentioned every single one and after you calm down he would take you out and just exploring with you to make you happy and himself because he loved seeing you smile, He would sing to you to get you to calm down and hug you and give you all the affection he had in his body just to make sure you were ok and wisper sweet words and stroke you hair and you both would eventually fall asleep in each others embrace, no pls dont be upset jagi its ok that your not my ideal type those are just words infact you changed those words, He would not be really sure on what to do so he would try various methods to get you to see how amazing you were to him and for a few day just shower you in attention and pure love like the sweet bunny he is. After making it to Yoongis, way to expensive, house, you all climbed out. Hed walk into the room, spot you, and the quickly walk back out to calm himself down. So those of you whove seen the show will know and you will be dying along with me. 0:00 13:10 #bts #btsarmy #reaction [bts reaction] jin scolding members should i laugh or cry?! Did you see that? Hed ask, a smile plastered on his face. He easily carried you to the bedroom, gently placing you down before climbing next to you. Explore. for brighter, fresher skin and smaller dark circles Ahaha. After about 30minutes he would run back in the room hugging you and telling you how sorry he is and that he didnt mean what he said. "I love you?" What? Soon, hell get closer to the cat and even closer than it is to you. Namjoon: Sitting in class and I simply couldnt figure out whatever my biology teacher was babbling about, so I said what is he even saying? Mentally hed prepared himself for this, but in actuality he was notready. Hed give you a big smile I didnt know you listen to BTS *insert wink* Youd beat his shoulder playfully and then chuckle Of course I do! After saying bye to your friends, and briefly scolding them, you would jump onto his back when you found him. "Please don't go, Jagi.". You say and Taehyung starts to wrestle Jimin. Jesus, you look like hell. She also pulled him into a hug. You know how he gets shy, and hes not his usual self? He would of course later in the day apologize to you with roses and cook you a nice dinner for being a little rude but would still jokingly have a restraining order on you to stay away from the kitchen incase you hurt yourself or destroy more things. You chuckled, grabbing him and walking over. Only smiles as he retrieved his bags, you scolding him as he just laughed. Jungkook and Y/N? The dance teacher called. I kn-knew how much you wanted us to get along., Its fine. This little bitch babywould smile as Jin accidently hit you in the face with a snowball. "I didn't make the mess." I hope im not bothering you Anyway, id really like a jk imagine with the vibe like the one in Ed Sheerans Perfect mv. The other boys looked up from their desks to lesson?. You took a deep breath and gulp before asking the question youve been wanting to ask all week. Here comes the lecture. He would hysterically laugh after seeing you get hit in the face with a ball. Tries to help out and act like hes really tough. HERE! Jungkook simply glanced to you before sitting down to do what looked like the math homework. - Amelia. "Koffee did it." He likes it a lot. I try to do something nice, and this is how you repay me? This house better not be a mess when I come back from my business trip." rest of the boys were murmuring amongst themselves then I could hear one of the When you called him Papi he would smile to himself and be happy you felt comfortable enough around him to call him that. Hed automatically smirk, but would restrict himself. Are you sure you did this?. Stay. Since its the holidays Ive decided to do: ), Are you okay? Okay, Im on my way. You rushed downstairs, throwing on your shoes at the door. The teacher started class shorty after that, the other four running in 3 minutes late. Thats all.. . When you answered with a low croaked and just purely sad voice he would get so worried. I feel like that would happen, not because he was nervous but because he didnt want to do something stupid. His sentences confusing both you and your parents. As you ate dinner, he would talk about the kind of grades he got. Not being able to hide the amazed look on his face, you eventually asked him if he was okay. Hella turned on when you call him papi. The sight of you makes his boner ache even more as he licks your cum of his fingers. Its really amusing. Jungkook almost forgot they were there as you ran around like children, playing game after game after game. I promise Ill let my ego down for you. He says and you instantly shut up causing him to smirk. -Reactions Only if you think youre up for it. You smiled, still happy from your victory. I felt like he was short. Yes. He said quietly, making you laugh. Leaving trails of kisses all the way down to your panties. You know hes loud, and its adorable. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. Hell just sidetrack from scolding her about biting someone and just celebrate his daughter being a savage. If you ever ask him why hes all *blushie blushie* hell cover his face and shake his head but you have a rough idea. Jungkook come on! While you're back was to your boyfriend and Jimin you feel a paper ball hit your back. Almost everyone from school was here along wih a few older kids that Yoongi knew at one point or another. Why would I do something like that to my Seokjin?. We should really go inside., I dont want to go back to the part, too much is happening down there., I know Suga has an Xbox, we can go and play that.. Now dont do that again He would treat your daughter to ice cream after that to apologize for sounding too harsh. up, I didnt experience that today. Jungkook: Playing online games and there was this guy that just wouldnt top killing me so I snatched my mic and started telling him to stop targeting me. 26,262 views nov. Watch what happens when we watched jin scolding bts for 448 seconds .boyyyy!! -Most to Least. Hed feel relief when he fund you in the study, open books surrounding you like an ancient fortress. No, you look amazing. edits + stuff. You giggled and hugged him tightly. The other members actually like it and think its funny, but they pretend they dont. "Hoseok!" As soon as it was introduce himself, the best vocabulary and so much respect. She followed his advice, surprised when he was actually right. "Did you just blame the dog?" All you manage to do was nod and hum in response resulting in him going slower. I WONT FUCKING HESITATE BITCH!. Wow.. Hed be impressed when you finally let him see. He talks to you as much as he can, even if hes busy with his bands schedule. Yoongi wouldnt care if it was you. Is low-key afraid of the guns. He would laugh about it the whole day and ask you a whole lot of questions about BTS and their music just to make sure you like his music best. Have you realized how happy I make her/him? Hed question. It was like a second home to Jin, no surprise. When youre upset, hes speeding down the road to come and comfort you. BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. Youll get the gist as you read. You say and he pouts and continues as you leave. Teasing you by rubbing ur clit through your panties roughly. I was good at everything.. What now! He would sit in the kitchen til 3am and when you realise he wasnt in bed you went down searching for him. Does he have any flaws?. Request box: OPEN, BTS Reactions- Rumors that they cheated on you, BTS Reactions- You spoil one of their precious possessions, BTS Reactions-Rumors that you cheat on them and they get upset with you. Babe, come on. Hed say, closing the laptop. Yes, he breaks almost everything he touches.. When Jimin told him that you were really upset at him he would rush back home to see you already a mess. Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies. Well, here he comes with the most embarrassing picture of your goth phase when you were younger. phone and listen to the problems of my co-workers. Youre safe with him. He would fall completely silent after watching Jimin accidently trip you. Why are you out here?, Because of you. That was a lie. Did you hear that Jagi? Hell just be really sad that you doubted him. Hi sweetie. Hed greet you. Jungkook? The suden voice made him jump, spinning around to see who it was. You'll get the gist as you read. But a little more clingy. (Who got a little too excited and swung his arm, hitting you. He went out to check on your child to see her wearing them. Drunks were gringing on drunks, some were talking to sober people. Not only was today the day of the Likes to narrate his kills like a dramatic anime. Seokjin wouldnt be into the concept. He asks and you squint your eyes at him. Curls into a ball and waits for death that isnt even close to him. Hell tell you I love you Y/N-ah Just to see your reaction to it. HE CAN! Nothing improved. This resulted in laughing from Jungkook as the person began screaming. Now back to what I was saying before I was interrupted, you will be dancing with a partner. Goes to worse case scenarios almost immediately. I was too out of it to figure out why it wouldnt open and a worker had to walk over to open the door for me. You and your other friends are in the same squad as bangtan and jk and you are like friends but kinda not bec hes cold at times? A video was recently uploaded on social media that appears to show one of BTS ' managers threatening one of the members. Hey JJs, its been real, but this blog is coming to a close. Just, give him a chance. Jimin said before walking away again. Ends up screeching at the same time while attempting to fight him. You would probably talk for hours catching up and end up having a sleepover with junk food and movies. For the sake of the post, I'll create little scenario things. Babe? It was usually called off with a treaty since you guys evenly matched each others abilities to be little shits. He would want to show you his strong side and pretend that it didnt affect him at all. When she caught sight of him she would run around the house. Is my babygirl close he coos, smirking on the inside. . Really Y/N? You fell asleep, we should go to sleep and you can do all that stuff later. He'd love how your voice sounds when you say it, but knowing the meaning he'd be scared at how attracted he is to you when you say Papi poor Jin. You squeezed your way past the large group of people and to a calmer area. Gets scared and paranoid by almost everything since the outbreak happened. You grabbed a pencil, throwing it at him. You need to watch after him or he will actually get himself killed while freaking out. The other members like to stay around him since hes so accurate and carefree with all the zombies. Let me teach him another The moment he see you walk in with a cat he would run to you taking the cat away from you. No Jagi, that piece goes over the middle one.. You don't realise you're crying until you see your tear drops puddling on the screen. What did I do to him?. Similar to Hoseok he would practically do you on the spot. He stopped, just staring at you almost as if he was finding an answer. kind of beast had awoken inside him. You can also join my giveaway here. Hi lovely! He beamed. He would probably keep all the photos you guys took together and save them, keeping them to show off to the other members at the worst times possible. Of course, youd do the exact same for him when he ever needed it. I vote Namjoon to be eaten first. BTS Reacts: Proposing To You On Stage (Hyungs How dare you even step foot here! Hell be really confused asking you what happened and youd tell him that you heard a girl talking about having sex with him and that he looked like he really enjoyed. The house began flooding with people, almost never stopping. Read When you disobey them from the story BTS Reactions (Smut/18) by jungsquishy (Min ) with 30,384 reads. Jimin wouldnt tell you directly. How dancing together made you guys best friends and rocketed you guys into an everlasting friendship. I would also like to mention I watched the video like, 10 times before writing this. Says the usually cocky Jungkook that has girls drooling all over him and is amazing at basically everything. You scoffed, making him chuckle. Hed have to gulpa few times before answering you question asking if he was okay. BTS Reacts: You Being A Cute Mom. Taehyung, you idiot. Yoongis eyes darkened, like some You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. Credit goes to the initial creators. Screams all the time when he sees a zombie. Hed brush it off, letting his confidence get the best of him. BTS reactions to you calling them "Papi" Seokjin: Seokjin wouldn't be into the concept. He didnt want to be overwhelming, hes just curious. It as really a sight to see when a girl threw up all over a boy while trying to talk to him. Laughing, you nudged him. Hed walk in, already trying to talk about how your day went but becoming quiet when he realized you were sleeping. and standing between the two boys desks. You both took the dance floor, looking at each other for a split second before the music started. It wont matter. He then saw you, surrounded by what seemed like a mountain of paper work. You wouldnt argue, knowing that it was already late and he had stayed up and waited until you got finished with your work. Members: OT7Word count: 2,506, A/N: Id like to throw in a small DISCLAIMER right here, right now. Hed look at you in shock. He pouts and you cross your arms. You looked at Jungkook who smiled at you, giving you a reassuring nod. Joonie? You asked while trying to find him. Admins: Amelia & Kaitlin He never gets mad at me, now lets go. You said, grabbing his hand before running back inside. How is it possible a tiny girl like you spoil an oven? Im not sure, maybe something upbeat and light. He shrugged. Why did you do that? He would ask your daughter with a soft tone but he made sure to look stern.

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